Ease of Service with 10” Touchscreen Display on TempMaster® Omni™ Premier Rooftops
Ease of Service with 10” Touchscreen Display on OmniTM Premier Rooftops
How often do your customers mention that it’s difficult to read a two-line display? Wouldn’t it be great if all details were shown graphically with unit representation? Wouldn’t it be even better if the display was capable of reading other Smart Equipment devices and have MAP gateway capabilities? Well, look no further.
Delivering on commitment
During the launch of our OmniTM Premier rooftop units, we laid out five key goals that we had to meet. These goals were identified by engineers, service contractors, and architects. ”Serviceability” was one of these goals, delivering superior ease-of-use features to customers. Releasing the touchscreen display for our customers was a positive step in this direction.
The touchscreen display is a 10”, 1280 x 800 resolution TFT (thin-film-transistor) capacitive touchscreen with the graphical representation of OmniTM Premier RTU’s and its major components. The display allows the user to configure the display, communicate with multiple controllers connected to a common BACnet® MS/TP bus, and syncs easily with all Smart Equipment controllers. Additionally, the display comes with a built-in browser for web connectivity to MAP Gateway and provides the ability to read documents while servicing a unit.
Available to order now!
The touchscreen display option is available for selection in HVAC Navigator under “Unit Display Options” on the OmniTM Premier configurator. Be sure to download the installation and operation manual in Offerings Catalog. The manual covers additional details on tech specifications and functional capabilities.